The Following are Unsolicited Testimonials

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the amazing effort and support for the past year which KS became better in several areas, special thanks to Mrs. Shoug Al Dossary, you seriously can't imagine how much you helped by opening this center, you are helping to have my dream to come true by seeing KS succeed and become independent.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for everything you've done for our family. Where to even begin… your organization has completely changed the life of my little KJ. When I think back to where we were just a year and a half ago, it's just incredible. KJ has come so far in such a short time, thanks to the amazing staff and program. He's doing things and saying things that I never would have thought possible last year! We were so lost when he was diagnosed, and just completely afraid and uncertain about what to do, or where to turn. Then he started with Stepping Stones, and it was like an oasis in the desert. It grounded us, gave us hope and changed our son for the better! It's an incredible program, and such a caring, dedicated staff. I really couldn't ask for any better. I feel so blessed to have met everyone from Stepping Stones, and to have been able to keep his program going for so long. It's his lifeline, really. I can't imagine our lives without Stepping Stones!
There were so many times and so many ways where you personally went above and beyond to help us. Your personal involvement was very touching, and always helpful. I'm so impressed by you, and your dedication to maintaining a quality program with a personal touch. I can't think of enough nice things to say, and just couldn't be any more thrilled with the experiences I've had with your company. Any time I meet a new parent with an autistic child, I always want to jump right in and say “CALL STEPPING STONES!” It's so exciting to see KJ move into the “real world” and see him using the skills he's gained at home. I consider his therapists as almost part of our family. Before he started therapy, I remember thinking that it would be so intrusive, having strangers in my home taking over my child's education. But that couldn't be any further from how I feel now. I am so thankful every day that you created this great organization. You will always be in my thoughts, and you have our family's deepest gratitude always!
I wanted to thank all the staff at Stepping Stones. I was VERY impressed by the cohesiveness of your group. It is thrilling to be part of your team, and the dynamic energy that resonated during the staff training today. My husband and I are daily grateful for your devotion to serve DS, and all of the other children that are fortunate to be part of your program. Additionally, the support you give to families allows us to help others that may not be as lucky as we are to have your services. We appreciate all you do, and the dedication each of you, and the others, clearly devote to the mission of educating children with autism. It is also clear that your training to the families helps us with our other children, as ABA is great parenting!
There is always so much more that I want to say but can't always find the words. I hope that each team member knows how important they are to me and my family. I absolutely love that each person's personality is different, and they each bring out amazing and different qualities in UA. The dedication and perseverance of each team member and at Stepping Stones is still an inspiration to me every day. I knew UA had it in him to get through this, but when he didn't have was the right team of people to help him flourish. We are so grateful to have all of you on our side. UA is one lucky little dude!!